Everything You Need to Know about Additive Manufacturing Post Processing

Additive manufacturing is a technology that has been in the media spotlight for some time now. For those unfamiliar with what additive manufacturing entails, it is when an object is created by adding material to existing objects. Many different industries have benefited from this technological development, but one of the most popular sectors has been 3D printing. However, there are also other post-processing techniques that can be used on parts after they have been printed through additive manufacturing to alter their properties or create unique finishes.

Benefits of Additive Manufacturing Post Processing

Automated Post Processing

Additive manufacturing post-processing eliminates cumbersome and time-consuming piece-by-piece cleaning, polishing, and finishing. Instead, the entire object is easily cleaned using automated equipment that processes all items at once rather than individually. This process can significantly reduce costs for businesses as each part doesn’t need to be finished before moving on to other parts or projects. They can complete them together in bulk instead of piece by piece, which would take up too much time.

Post Build Processing for Improved Finish

The post-build processing that can be done to parts after they have been printed is where many benefits lie with additive manufacturing. Different types of finishing techniques, including sanding, polishing, bonding ceramics or metals onto them, and more are available once a part has already been printed. This is beneficial for businesses that want to take their part and alter it to create a unique look or finish, such as applying paint onto the object, which would not be possible if the entire process were done before the print was complete.

Additive Manufacturing Post-Processing Equipment

There are many different types of additive manufacturing post-processing equipment that can be used to alter the properties of a part or create unique finishes. For example, sanding machines and polishing machines are commonly seen in automotive factories where parts need additional smoothing before going onto automobiles for sale in showrooms.

Other types of finishing techniques such as bonding metals and ceramics with resin-based materials are also commonly used. The most popular additive manufacturing post-processing equipment is sanding machines and polishing machines which are seen in many factories around the world. Even businesses with only one or two employees can use them to finish parts after being printed through their own personal printer at home.

Processes All 3D Print Technologies

From Stereolithography, Fused Deposition Modeling, Supealloys to light-cure, PostProcess handles all. That’s because it’s crafted and designed to suit all 3D printing technologies.


Additive Manufacturing Post Processing has had many benefits for many different businesses that can take their parts and alter them in some way before sending them onto the next stage of production. This often involves adding a unique finish or smoothing out rough edges using post-processing equipment, which is beneficial because it eliminates the need to do these tasks piece by piece. They can be done all at once with automated equipment.

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